Definition of Funny bone

1. Noun. A point on the elbow where the ulnar nerve passes near the surface; a sharp tingling sensation results when the nerve is knocked against the bone. "The funny bone is not humerus"

Definition of Funny bone

1. Noun. (idiomatic) The ulnar nerve in the elbow, which, when hit, causes a tingly sensation. (defdate from the 19th c.) ¹

2. Noun. (figuratively) One's sense of humor. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Funny bone

1. As in it tickled my funny bone. When the elbow is bumped, the ulnar nerve rnning past the elbow is stimulated and produces a strange (funny) electric sensation. (12 Dec 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Funny Bone

funnily enough
funny bone
funny bones
funny book
funny books
funny car
funny cars
funny farm
funny farms
funny ha-ha
funny ha ha
funny house
funny money
funny pages
funny papers

Literary usage of Funny bone

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Human Foot and the Human Hand by George Murray Humphry (1861)
"Nevertheless, it is now and then hurt; and you know that when the "funny-bone" is struck, a peculiar pain, or tingling, is experienced along the little ..."

2. Handy-book of Literary Curiosities by William Shepard Walsh (1892)
"... who explains the word funny-bone as " a pun on the word humérus." They have pulled yon down flat on your back ! And they smack and they thwack. ..."

3. Jiu-jitsu: A Comprehensive and Copiously Illustrated Treatise on the by Harry Hall Skinner (1904)
"A, often called the "crazy" or "funny bone," with your right thumb pressing just opposite on No. 3. Look this up, finding the exact position by grasping ..."

4. The Negro Press in the United States by Frederick German Detweiler (1922)
"Wishbone Negroes, Jawbone Negroes, Funny-bone Negroes, and Backbone Negroes. ... The Funny-bone Negroes are those who grin and cringe at every insult or pun ..."

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